Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sunday Selections - Tassie Ice

My third blog for Frogpondsrock 's Sunday Selections! Go and Check out hers and all the others linked there!

Most people associate Tasmania with being cold. Indeed it can be quite cool at times. This morning it was a very refreshing 7 c when I felt brave enough to get out from under the doonah. I thought a few photos that reflect the cool Tasmania might be appropriate for my Sunday Selection.

Frost - In most areas of Tasmania it is not unusual to wake up to a thick layer of frost, formed when the moisture on the ground freezes. This shot is of frost on some pine bark in my backyard.

And this shot was taken on the aptly named Ice House Track on Hobart's Mt Wellington

Ice - Taking frost one step further. While not common in the urban areas, there is certainly pelty of icy conditions to be found in the rural and highland regions. This first photo is again from the ice house track, and shows ice that had covered the walking track.

The next two show a large frozen pond beside Dove Lake near Cradle Mountain.

Snow - The type of cold that most people love to see. It certainly can look great!

This photo taken on the Mt Wellington plateau.

This also from Mt Wellington looking down over Hobart and the Derwent River.

And now some more classic views of Tasmania - Snow on Cradle Mountain


  1. That second photo is lovely and still ponds with snow capped mountains are always so photogenic!

  2. Oh to have some of that 'cold' here in NSW as we experience a relentless, record-breaking 7 day heat wave, enough to make you go insane but they tell us the cold change is coming today! Can't wait! Apart from how cool they make me feel, I really like your images and in particular the last two, with the perfect symmetry of the reflections :)

  3. Gorgeous photos, again. I'm moving to Australia this year and will miss the snow (we're buried under a couple feet of it at the moment). I'll have to come to Tasmania to get my fix.

  4. What I would give for some cool, right now as I sit here, waiting for the southerly change that is apparently making its way up here. Beautiful photos.

  5. Stunning Marc. That is the word that comes to mind. I have tried photographing frost and it is really tricky, really really tricky. I am in awe.

  6. Thanks everyone. Yes I agree frost can be difficult, fortunately we had a pretty heavy frost one morning so the ice crystals were nice and "chunky", and my LX3 is pretty good at macro shots. I have to say I love the snow and ice, it gives the place a magical appearance.

  7. Gorgeous photos! That one with the rocks against the bright blue sky is striking. You could drive people mad if you'd make the last one into a jigsaw LOL
    Not knowing anything about Tasmania (yet) I've only associated it with a Devil ;-)

  8. Wow, absolutely stunning, I'm blown away!

  9. I love them. Especially the Mt Wellington plateau one. The colours are stunning, love the orange rock contrasting with the blue sky.

  10. I lived in Canberra for a few years after growing up on the NSW coast, and was quite bemused by the crunchy grass I encountered on my walk to work. Your images trump that though :-)

  11. Gorgeous photos! I didn't know Tasmania froze .. but there's no reason why it shouldn't, I suppose!
